I definitely see it coming. Yet what I've realised in recent months is that the oil industry has pumped billions into controlling the message around climate change - first, that it wasn't happening at all, next that it was happening but that oil companies would go green and solve it... these days the message seems to be "it's too late". The thing is, if you tell people it's too late and that the End Days are here, what are they going to do? Meanwhile, it seems that we may still have a chance to act... not to "stop" what's already happened, but if you look into regeneration, water cycle management etc then we may be able to protect some parts of the earth - even if the idea is for those ecosystems to renegerate and continue beyond human existence.
Hope is a complicated word. We don't want to tell people "don't worry, things will all be fine" because they won't - but at the same time, telling people that the Apocalypse is here is likely to lead to even more Mad-Max-type behaviour. Be careful with your messaging - the Western individualists you talk about will use it as an excuse for even more selfish, hedonistic behaviour.