I tend to give people basic respect automatically - I don't demand that they provide value to my life or prove to me that they are worthy of my respect before I afford them the basic decency of using their preferred pronouns. Imagine if people automatically insisted on calling you "he" or "it" and then turned your own argument back on you when you pointed out that you're a "she", or refused to address you by name until you proved your value to them. Your article reads as thinly veiled transphobia masking as "intellectual food for thought" - I've seen plenty of men using the same arguments to promote shockingly sexist and anti-women views, and I'm sure you can find them too if you look. Yes, pronouns are different in every language - many languages have pronouns for every noun, many have none - but just like with any argument around "words are meaningless", we all know that words carry weight and that words can hurt.
Whatever fancy arguments we can make for how meaningful a word is or isn't, it's just an act of basic respect to try remembering someone's pronouns - and much easier than writing a whole article, I would imagine. Nobody reasonable would scream at you for getting it wrong unless you were obviously doing it on purpose to insult them or undermine them.