Seeing as I offer a lot of my work for free or on a donation basis, it would be a pretty awful business plan if that is what I was doing ;) - it's funny how people are very quick to criticise those who want to help others process their feelings about what is happening AND have the audacity to want to pay their own rent in the process, but say very little about those who continue to make billions from polluting the earth.
Anyway - there's no real need for me to convince anyone that there's a problem; plenty of people have read the latest IPCC report and are actively seeking out climate-aware coaches and therapists. Many of them are disappointed by their experiences with 'mainstream' therapists, who do not take their concerns seriously.
A lot of people gain value in talking about what they are learning about ecosystem destruction, although the overall aim of what I do is to help move them out of the state of paralysis and panic and to start approaching the problem in bite-sized chunks, looking at what they do have control over and what they can do. Nobody has ever come to me because one of my own articles sent them into a state of anxiety - of course, it is a risk, but I don't think I am saying anything that isn't freely available knowledge or being reported in mainstream media these days!
I take your point though, that framing the article with fear-inducing facts may distract from the main point, and that some of the links could be better researched and refined, so will have a look at the one you mention and clarify. Unfortunately, though, even the US Military's assessments of the coming consequences of climate change seem pretty dire (I recommend Climate Wars by Gwynne Dyer for an overview), and even the IPCC's reports have been criticised for downplaying the severity of the situation. For an overview of how things are unfolding faster than expected, meaning that even climate predictions from a year ago can seem conservative, I also recommend looking at