The UK is being run by absolute criminals. Until we remove them from power, they are going to keep on selling off our greatest assets to their friends. It is tragic. I live outside the UK now and feel so conflicted about coming back or not... when I read things like this, I think it would be crazy to try coming back. But at the same time, climate collapse is going to affect all of us, and the UK may be one of the few places that aren't uninhabitably hot in a few years (although... floods, totalitarianism, famine and disease don't sound like a great alternative).
Let's be honest though - we've had it unreasonably easy in the UK over the last few years. It may not feel like it, but living in the Czech Republic shocked me - just as an example, you can buy an amazing pillow for £10 in the UK, whereas even a crappy, lumpy on over here costs £60 or more. The average Czech salary is around £12,000 a year, so that doesn't reflect costs of living at all. A pair of shoes over here, too, will take you back at least £80 and they'll probably fall apart after a few weeks, whereas The Factory Shop in my local Welsh town sells brand name trainers for £20. These may seem like weird examples, but why was the UK so much cheaper, and able to source such high quality items? (My guess - colonialism, past and ongoing). So, that means that if prices on goods double or triple, people will still have better purchasing power than they do in former Communist countries even today. I can't say this makes sense. But people feel entitled to cheap, good quality, easily obtainable products (white goods, electronics, clothes etc) and I find it hard to separate some of the outrage in things I read from that kind of entitled anger.
Food-wise.. the UK imports more than half of all its food despite having tons of green space that we could use to grow our own - the Victory Gardens during WWII showed that we are far more capable of sustaining ourselves that we may think. I don't know how the changing climate will affect our ability to feed ourselves, but I can't see many other options going forward. We can't rely on our governments to figure this out (they're probably doing the opposite - trying to take away individual sovereignty and independence as much as possible) - we need to turn to each other and form community gardens, for starters.